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le 1 mai 2017

Dépôt des candidatures jusqu'au lundi 1er mai 2017

Participez à l'Université d'été manuSciences'17 qui a pour objet l'étude des manuscrits à travers les sciences des matériaux, les humanités numériques et l'informatique.

Basic Information


manuSciences'17 will focus on a multi-facetted investigation of manuscripts adding new chemical and physical analyses, imaging methods and techniques from computer sciences to classical philology, paleography, codicology, linguistics and history.

⇨ Objectives
  • To facilitate knowledge exchange between young scientists and experts in manuscript sciences
  • To provide an interdisciplinary discussion forum and to develop cooperation among experts in manuscript studies
  • To promote awareness of new technologies in manuscripts studies


Up to 40 (max.) young researchers, from master and Ph.D. students to researchers and university lecturers. Active participation is expected. The lectures and courses will be in English.

Inquiries and questions may be sent to or (for details see below).


September 10-15, 2017.
Villa Clythia (CAES du CNRS) 83600 FREJUS, France.

→ google maps


Roger Easton, Leif Glaser, Oliver Hahnº, Keith Knox, Marcus Liwicki, Eve Menei, Ira Rabinº, Hasia Rimon, Uzi Smilansky, Marc Smith, Peter Stokes, Daniel Stökl Ben Ezraº, Dominique Stutzmann

Supported by

BAM → Department Materials and the Environment → Division Analysis of Artefacts and Cultural Assets
CSMS → Center for the Study of Manuscript Cultures
EPHE/PSL → Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris Sciences et Lettres Research University

Programme (lectures, practical courses)


History of Papyrus - History of Parchment - History of Paper - Inks & Pigments - Instrumental Analysis - Multispectral Imaging and Data Treatment - Introduction to Palaeography - Codicology and TEI - Automatic Layout Analysis - Computer Palaeography - Computer analysis of Inscribed 3D Objects

Practical courses

XRF - Microscopy, Reflectography, FTIR & Raman spectroscopy - Multispectral Imaging & Data Treatment - Computational Image Treatment


Application deadline is May 1, 2017.

Applications should include a motivation letter, CV, a recommendations letter and send by email to or

For those already working in the field, we also encourage to submit an abstract (one-page camera-ready, pdf- or word-document) for a poster presentation.

Notification of acceptance June 10th

  •     Inscription fees : 150 € (payable until July 3rd, 2017, after that date the fee is 200 €)
  •     Accommodation (twin-room) and board (6 days) 390 €
Important: Financial support (e.g. for lodging and food) can be granted based on the application (letter of recommendation, CV). Please specify when applying.

We hope to be able to support a large number of candidates.


Prof. Dr. Daniel Stoekl Ben Ezra 
Director of the digital humanities program of the EPHE, Paris

Prof. Dr. Oliver Hahn
Universität Hamburg / Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM, Germany)

Prof. Dr. Ira Rabin
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM, Germany)