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Family Conflicts or Social Crisis? The Transformation of the Roman World through the Lens of Family Conflicts (4th-10th centuries)
International Conference Family Conflicts or Social Crisis? The Transformation of the Roman World through the Lens of Family Conflicts
du 19 octobre 2023 au 20 octobre 2023
This international and interdisciplinary conference brings together Italian, Spanish and French doctoral students whose research focuses on the literature and history of Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The aim of this meeting is to reassess the «Transformation of the Roman World» (4th - 10th century) through the prism of family conflicts. From the 4th century onwards, Roman societies underwent gradual transformations, which invalidates the traditional idea of a clear break between Antiquity and the Middle Ages. What’s more, the most recent work on this transitional period has shown that it is relevant to analyze these global changes on the basis of more localized phenomena such as family relationships. So to what extent do family conflicts bear witness to a world in transformation? Participants will attempt to answer this question by focusing on cases of family conflicts in Western societies between the 4th and 10th centuries AD.
Thursday 19 October
9h30 Welcome coffee
10h - 10h30 Introduction
10h30 - 10h50 Discussion
10h50 - 11h Coffee break
4th-5th centuries :
(Discussant, Niccolò Anegg)
11h00 - 11h30 Gaëlle Herbeth (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
«Geminos dextra tu protege fratres : Flavius Stilicho, from imperial guardianship to political murder»
11h30 - 12h Adrien Bresson (Université de Lyon - Saint-Étienne)
«Claudian’s Honorius and Arcadius (395-404) : from a torn family to the end of Romanitas ?»
12h00 - 12h20 Discussion
12h20 - 14h00 Lunch break
6th century :
(Discussant, Manon Raynal)
14h00 - 14h30 Virgile Mayo (Université Paris-Saclay, Università degli studi di Padova)
«Patza v. Brandila: a case of adultery in the Ostrogothic kingdom»
14h30 - 15h00 Niccolò Anegg (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
«Disputed marriages in the Ostrogothic Kingdom: conflicts, practicies and authority»
15h00 - 15h20 Discussion
15h20 - 15h30 Coffee break
15h30 - 16h30 LECTURE :
Discussant: Sylvie JOYE, professeure (Université de Lorraine):
Francesco VERONESE (Ricercatore tipo A, Università degli studi di Padova)
«Early medieval intimacies. Preliminary considerations»
16h30 - 17h Discussion
Friday 20 October
9h30 Welcome coffee
5th-7th centuries :
(Discussant, Lorenzo Paveggio)
10h00 - 10h30 Andrés Mánguez Tomás (Universidad de Salamanca)
«Familia and Christianization in the Northern Hispanic Region (5th-7th centuries): Integration or Mistrust towards the Sacred?»
10h30 - 11h Florence Bret (Université Lyon III, Université d’Angers)
«The saint against his parents. Family conflicts in the Late Antique Lives of Saints (4th-6th centuries)»
11h00 - 11h10 Coffee break
11h10 - 11h40 Manon Raynal (Université de Lorraine)
«The involvement of the grandmother in the succession strategies : the example of the queen Chlotild against her sons Childebert and Chlotar»
11h40 - 12h00 Discussion
12h00 - 14h00 Lunch break
8th-10th centuries :
(Discussant, Justine Audebrand, docteure, ATER (Université de Poitiers))
14h00 - 14h30 Lorenzo Paveggio (Università degli studi di Padova, Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes)
«Relinque munus et vade reconciliari fratri tuo. Gifts, greed and family conflict (8th- early 9th centuries)»
14h30- 15h00 Alicia Martín Rodriguez (Universidad de Salamanca, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)
«Si quis tamen de gens mea hoc meum factum infringere uoluerit. Intra-Family Conflicts and Documentary Production in Early Medieval Iberia»
15h00 - 15h20 Discussion
15h20 - 15h30 Coffee break
15h30 - 16h00 CONCLUSION :
Cristina LA ROCCA (Professoressa ordinaria, Università degli studi di Padova)
Virgile Mayo, virgile.mayo@uvsq.fr (UVSQ, Paris- Saclay, laboratoire DyPaC)
The conference will be held in English and streamed online. if you wish to attend the online conference, please send a message at the following adress: virgile.mayo@uvsq.fr
Documents à télécharger
- programme PDF, 6 Mo